We are often used to seeing different colors of vegetables and fruits around us. But have you ever wondered what can be the possible reason behind such differences in colors in all those vegetables and fruits? Well, if you didn’t know, the answer is anthocyanidin. Anthocyanidins are not only useful in coloring up vegetables and fruits. Apart from that, they are equally handy when it comes to health benefits. Anthocyanidin is known as a very good anti-oxidant which can be very useful when it comes to reducing stress. So, before you choose to take anthocyanidin, it is very important to find the right sources. If you are looking for proper sources that can supply proper antioxidants to your body, then you have landed in the right place. The rich sources of anthocyanidin are mentioned below.

Rich Sources of Anthocyanidin


Blueberries are known for their high nutrient qualities and at the same time, they contain low calories as well. That means the sugar level in your blood won’t get decreased and at the same time, you won’t gain unnecessary weight due to the consumption of blueberries. Apart from being a rich source of anthocyanidin, blueberries also contain some necessary vitamins that can be essential for your body. If you have recently suffered from a disease, then blueberries can be very beneficial for you. It will help to get the cell structures back on track. There are some other advantages of blueberries as well. With the help of blueberries, you can fight cancer and problems like anti-aging. Therefore, if you are looking for a rich source of anthocyanidin that can work as an anti-oxidant, then blueberries definitely should be on your list.


Just like Blueberries, Grapes are also a very rich source of antioxidants. Both the green and black grapes contain anti-oxidants. The antioxidant which is present in grapes is very effective against cancer. It can generally slow down the progression of lung, pancreatic, mouth, and endometrial cancer. Apart from slowing down the progression of cancer, it can be very effective when it comes to heat treatments. There are a lot of people who are suffering from cholesterol nowadays. And if the level of bad cholesterol can certainly damage the functions of your heart. But if you take both the black and green grapes regularly then with the proper amount of anti-oxidant, the amount of bad cholesterol certainly can be controlled.


Cranberries are generally known for their sour test. But along with that, there are plenty of health-related benefits which are associated with cranberries. Generally, cranberries are used to treat Urinary Tract Infections. But there are some other benefits too. Cranberries are used to treat cardiovascular disease and cancer. As cranberries are a rich source of antioxidants they can stop the growth of cancer. Generally, cranberries are very effective against colon cancer.


Just like the aforementioned source of anthocyanidins, blackberries are also very effective against cancer. But generally, blackberries are popular for other reasons. The antioxidant which is present in the Blackberry helps to improve the function of the brain. Therefore, anybody who is consuming blackberries properly can have a properly functioning brain. Blackberries can reduce inflammation and at the same time, they can be effective against infections as well. Apart from fighting infections, it can boost immunity as well. That is why you definitely should take blackberries if you have not started to take them yet.

Red Cabbage

Red Cabbage is generally known for being a rich source of Vitamins. Generally, a good red cabbage contains Vitamin C and Vitamin K. But, apart from vitamins, red cabbage can be a good source of antioxidants as well. Generally, red cabbage is on the diet list of patients who are fighting cancer. To be precise, red cabbage can be used to stop the progression of breast cancer. About 62 percent of people who are suffering from breast cancer in the U.S.A include red cabbage in their diet.

Red Onions

Red onions are generally famous for increasing the immunity power of the body. When the immunity power of the body gets boosted, then you suffer from less of diseases and at the same time, your body remains fit and healthy.
