Corn silk extract is derived from the silky threads that grow on the ears of corn (Zea mays). These threads, known as corn silk, are the style of the female flower and are typically yellow or light brown. Corn silk extract has been used traditionally in herbal medicine for various purposes.

Corn Silk extract

Botanical name: Zea Mays L.

Alias: wheat beard, maize

Specifications: 5:1 10:1 15:1

Appearance: fine brown powder

Used Part: Silk

Character: flat; Sweet, light; To bladder, liver, gallbladder meridian

Uses and Benefits

  1. Diuretic Properties: Corn silk is often used as a natural diuretic, helping to promote urine production and support kidney function.
  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: It may help reduce inflammation and irritation in the urinary tract.
  3. Rich in Nutrients: Corn silk contains vitamins (like vitamin K) and minerals (such as potassium), contributing to its health benefits.
  4. Potential Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest it may help manage blood sugar levels.

Corn Silk Usage and dosage: Internal administration: decoction, 15 ~ 30g (large dose 60 ~ 90g); Or burnt finish. External use: appropriate amount, smoke inhalation.

Corn Silk Extract introduction

Corn whiskers make tea, and lowering sugar is a good helper, eat corn during the season, but many people who eat corn will throw away the corn whiskers, which is a waste. In Chinese medicine, the name of the corn beard is “dragon beard”. Put the corn beard in the pot to cook, soup is “dragon beard tea”, and drink a little sweet feeling, a Chinese medicine that has the effect of cooling blood and clearing heat, which can remove damp heat.

Modern medical research has also proved that cornbread has the effect of lowering blood sugar. Professor Yip Juquan, a master of Chinese medicine, mentioned in “Food Chinese Medicine and Convenience Prescriptions” that decocting corn and drinking it instead of tea lowers blood sugar.

A large number of experiments and clinical studies have also shown that polysaccharides, flavonoids, saponins, and other components in corn whisks have significant hypoglycemic effects.

In one study, researchers injected three doses of corn whisker extract into type 2 diabetic rats and found that the three doses of corn whisker extract significantly reduced the blood sugar of the rats, and the dose-effect relationship was very good.

Modern pharmacology has proved that: corn hair polysaccharide can reduce blood sugar, as we all know, insulin is secreted by islet cells, the islet cells of healthy people are healthy and plump, and the islet cells of diabetic patients are not only less, but also damaged.

Some studies have found that corn barb extract can significantly reverse the damage of islet cells in diabetic rats, and the effect of high and medium dose groups is similar to the positive drug metformin (the first-line drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes).

Corn whisker extract does more than that. In the experiment, it was also found that corn hair extract can reduce the blood sugar of experimental rats, reverse metabolic disorders, protect cardiomyocytes, and delay the degeneration of liver cells and renal tubular epithelial cells.

This is mainly due to a component of corn whisker called corn whisker polysaccharide. A large number of modern pharmacological studies have shown that cornstalk polysaccharide not only has a good effect on lowering blood sugar but also can improve many complications such as lipid metabolism disorder and kidney disease caused by diabetes.

In addition to lowering blood sugar, cornbread has a variety of health benefits. Among them, the flavonoids in corn whisk can clear free radicals in the body, inhibit lipid oxidation, and have a certain effect on lowering blood lipids. Moreover, this flavonoid component can also inhibit xanthine oxidase activity, reduce uric acid production, reduce uric acid levels, and is also friendly to gout patients.

Corn whisker has the homologous properties of medicine and food. The Food and Drug Administration confirms that corn whiskers are safe and non-toxic. Therefore, when eating corn, do not throw the corn beard, boil a boil water is good for the body. Moreover, the corn is flat and can be used with cassia seed, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, hang white chrysanthemum, lotus leaf, pueraria, and other medical-food homology materials to make tea and drink, not only reduces sugar and lipids, but also has the effect of clearing liver and brightening eyes, opening spleen and stomach, clearing heat and removing dampness, which is very suitable for people with three high, gout, and bad spleen and stomach.

This Sanjiang tea has cassia seed, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, Hangbai chrysanthemum, sophora flower, lotus leaves, corn beard, pueraria root, male flower of Eutcha (artificial planting), and other materials, the proportion of scientific, very suitable for the three high people.

Corn silk extract