Research suggests that schizandra (Schizandrins) can improve work performance, increase endurance, and help reduce fatigue.

The schizandra Schizandrins (wu-Wei-Zi,), is known in China as “the herb of five flavors” because of the characteristic bitter and somewhat salty taste of its berries. Although also related in the medical by the five organs that protect the body. It has traditionally been used as a male and female sexual tonic. It is believed that this herb tones the kidneys and sexual organs, protects the liver, and increases mental performance.

How does it work?

Among all Chinese herbs, Schizandrins has one of the widest range of benefits. With its five basic elements, it suckles five of the most important organs of the body: the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. It strengthens the vital energy known as Qi, regains vitality and health of all organs, and replenishes sexual energy. Chinese herbalists use it to treat weakness, cough, insomnia, nausea, and physical improvement.

It has also been shown to have different benefits depending on conditions such as nervous disorders, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, atherosclerosis, and high blood sugar levels.

It also acts as an aphrodisiac, strengthening libido and improving the quality and quantity of sperm in men, but also increases the circulation and excitability of female genitalia.

Chemical composition: lignans, beta-sitosterol, Schizandrins, Gomisin, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, monosaccharides, resins, sterols, essential oils, beta-carotene, vitamins A, E, and C.

Effects on the body:

Schizandra increases blood flow in the brain, muscles, and liver. It increases mental capacity, and concentration and strengthens memory. It has a protective effect against radiation and has regulatory effects on blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Helps regeneration and detoxification of the liver. Helps prevent excessive sweating, vaginal discharge, and chronic cough.

Main properties of the Schizandrins Sinensis:

  • Reduction of visual fatigue in tasks that require visual concentration.
  • It increases visual and auditory acuity.
  • It improves concentration, memory, and attention.
  • Increases physical performance and mental performance.
  • It strengthens the muscular capacity in sports exercises.
  • The adaptogenic effect improves resistance to physical and emotional stress.
  • Improves recovery after physical exercise
  • Improves recovery during the convalescence of diseases.
  • As a cholagogue and choleretic
  • As a protector of the digestive system (stomach and intestines).

Possible therapeutic uses:

  1. To improve cognitive functions (acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter responsible for increasing alertness, learning, and attention ability) Too rapid decomposition of acetylcholine by acetylcholine S, the transforming enzyme is related to the disease of Alzheimer’s and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
  2. As an adaptogen (during stress, we release adrenal hormones including cortisol, whose continued effect on the body can produce harmful effects on the body) Schizandra Sinensis, can reduce the harmful effects of stress.
  3. Cardiovascular Protector Schizandra’s phytoestrogens have a vaso-relaxing effect because of their interaction with nitric oxide, this relaxation vessel function was discovered by Dr. Lou Ignaro which earned him the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998.
  4. Menopause, for decades, has been used in China and Korea to reduce symptoms of menopause, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes, due to its phytoestrogen content.
  5. Hepatic protector, laboratory studies, have shown that Schizandrin B- a component of Schizandrins Sinensis, improves the antioxidant system of glutathione in mice, and lignans help to regenerate the damage caused by alcohol and viral hepatitis. Lignans have also demonstrated a reduction in hepatic transaminase levels.
  6. Digestive disorders, to avoid gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers, appear to reduce the presence of Helicobacter Pylori, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella enteritidis.
  7. Detoxification of carcinogenic substances accelerates the detoxification of carcinogenic substances through the liver through cytochrome P-450.
  8. Improve Immunity by its effect on stress due to its adaptogenic and stress-reducing capacity whose long-term effects affect immunity.
  • Indications:

    • Improve physical performance (increases endurance and post-exercise recovery)
    • Improve intellectual performance (memory, concentration, and alertness)
    • Antidepressant.
    • In menopause (because of its estrogenic receptor antagonist effect)
    • Hepatic disorders.
    • Digestive disorders (gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcer).
    • To improve visual acuity (fatigue, night vision)
    • To improve auditory acuity
    • Cold and throat problems (infusion).
    • As an adaptogen.
    • To improve immunity (Immunomodulator)
    • As an antioxidant
    • As a cardiovascular protector
