Are you looking for a healthy sugar substitute? The stevia may become your savior. You can find it being used in many beverages, and it does not add calories like other sugar substitutes. You may be surprised to find out that it is about 200-300 times sweeter as compared to the typical sugar.

Due to the negligible amount of sugar present, Stevia Extract is widely used as a non-calorie substitute. However, there is more to this magical substitute that you should know. Here is your guide to know everything about it.

  • Benefits Associated With Stevia
  • Food For A Diabetic Person

It is not a secret that a person who has diabetes needs to keep their blood sugar level down. So, it is better to switch to an alternative that can help. Stevia is an excellent substitute as it is naturally available and has no calories.

Another reason for a diabetic person to sue it does not affect the blood glucose level or insulin level. However, besides it being a great choice, you need to talk to the doctor. In this way, you will get to know about the adequate amount you should be taking.

  • Helpful In Weight Control

It is no secret that the majority of people are suffering from weight problems these days. So there is a much-needed solution for the people looking for without actually having to compromise their taste. One such solution is using Stevia Extract.

Having a lower sugar level in the blood can be a great strategy to maintain weight. Since there are not many calories in this substance, you can make this an addition to both your food and drinks. So in case you want to maintain the weight or lose it, it can be a great way to achieve it.

  • Reduction In The Possibility Of Pancreatic Cancer

One of the most surprising facts about stevia is that it can reduce the possibility of pancreatic cancer. There are only a few natural substances that possess the ability to do so, stevia being one of them. In addition, it contains numerous antioxidants and sterols, for example, kaempferol.

Such a compound is known to lower the chances of pancreatic cancer, with a possibility of 23 percent. It is a significant benefit that this substance has to offer.

  • Reducing The High Blood Pressure

Stevia Extract is proven to dilate the blood vessels. Such dilation increases the sodium excretion from the body. Urine is the only way to carry out this excretion; thus, the person may urinate more than he often does.

Once the excess sodium is removed from the body, it takes down the blood pressure. In addition, this helps regulate the heartbeat of a person as the blood pressure is taken down.

  • No Allergies

If you have used any other substance of this kind, you must have found out that they are highly reactive. Thus, not a lot of people can avail their benefits. However, if you take Stevia Extract, there is no such worry clouding your mind.

Steviol glycosides are one of the few compounds that are now reactive. They do mobilize with any other reactive compound your body may have. The lower the reactivity of the compound, the lower the chances of it causing allergies or adverse reactions. Hence, taking this substance will ensure that you are free from any allergies.

  • Usage

Since it has many benefits to offer, there is no surprise that it is used in many things. The primary usage of stevia is as a dietary supplement. However, because it is purely natural, it can be added to a wide variety of edibles without any issue. So next time, if you see an ice cream parlor selling ice cream having Stevia Extract, don’t be surprised.

Other than ice cream, it is found in yogurt, various desserts, candies, or chewing gums. People even prefer to make sauces with its extract. Nowadays, it is widely used in preparing vegetables.


Stevia is a plant-based natural sweetener that is much more beneficial than sugar. If you are a fitness lover or thinking about weight loss, simply adding this sweetener will make a huge difference. Furthermore, it can help you stay overall healthy with the numerous advantages it has to offer.

Where to buy Stevia leaf Extract Total Steviol Glycosides Rebaudioside A?

Qherb is a professional and leading supplier of plant extracts and APIs with more than 10 years of foreign trade experience. We focus on product quality and service throughout the process. If you need any plant extract products, welcome to consult them anytime!

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Stevia Extract