Horsetail extract is a botanical extract derived from the horsetail plant (Equisetum arvense), a fern-like plant that belongs to the Equisetaceae family. Some key points about horsetail extract:

  • It contains high levels of silicon, as well as other minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
  • Horsetail has been used in traditional medicine practices for centuries, particularly for its purported benefits for skin, hair, and nail health.
  • In cosmetic and personal care products, horsetail extract is often used for its potential benefits in promoting hair growth, strengthening nails, and improving skin health.
  • The silicon content in horsetail extract is thought to contribute to its potential benefits, as silicon plays a role in the formation of collagen and the maintenance of connective tissues.
  • Horsetail extract may also have some antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, though more research is needed on its specific health effects.
  • It is commonly found in hair care products, skincare products, and dietary supplements, though the strength of the evidence for its efficacy varies.

Active ingredients

The whole plant contains arvense saponins, equisetin, isoquercitrin, oleagin, silicic acid (5.19-7.77% of the dry herb), organic acids, fats, β-sitosterol, canine, dimethyl sulfone, thymine, 3-methoxypyridine, and various amino acids. The spores contain pentahydroxyanthraquinone glucoside, octacosane dioic acid, octacosane dioic acid, octacosane dioic acid dimethyl ester, gossypol, and gossypol.


Medications derived from the horsetail plant are generally considered safe. However, people with edema from heart or kidney problems should avoid taking horsetail.


When taken orally, horsetail products should be taken with an appropriate amount of fluid. The generally recommended daily dose is 500-800 mg of standardized 7% horsetail organic silicon (equivalent to 2 to 3 grams of dried horsetail herb), mixed with hot water and taken between meals.

Overall, horsetail extract is a botanical ingredient derived from a natural plant source that is used in some personal care and health products, though its specific benefits are still an area of ongoing research.

Horsetail extract