Sesame seed extract is derived from sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum), which are small, oil-rich seeds known for their nutritional and health benefits. The extract is obtained through various methods, often involving solvents or cold pressing, to concentrate the beneficial compounds found in sesame seeds.

Benefits of Sesame Seed Extract

  1. Rich in Nutrients: It contains vitamins (like B vitamins), minerals (such as calcium and magnesium), and healthy fats.
  2. Antioxidant Properties: Contains lignans, particularly sesamin and sesamolin, which have antioxidant effects.
  3. Heart Health: This may help lower cholesterol levels and improve overall cardiovascular health.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Can reduce inflammation in the body.
  5. Skin Health: Often used in cosmetics for its moisturizing and protective properties.


  1. Culinary: As an ingredient in cooking and baking.
  2. Nutraceuticals: In dietary supplements for health benefits.
  3. Cosmetics: In skincare products for hydration and nourishment.

Sesamin is a lignan compound found in sesame seeds, known for its various health benefits. Here’s a detailed overview:

What is Sesamin?

Chemical Structure: Sesamin is a dibenzylbutyrolactone lignan, which contributes to its unique properties.

Source: Primarily extracted from sesame seeds but can also be found in smaller amounts in other plants.

Safety and Dosage

They are generally considered safe when consumed in moderation as part of a diet. The appropriate dosage can vary based on individual health needs and forms of supplementation.


Sesamin is a beneficial compound from sesame seed extract with multiple health-promoting properties, making it a valuable addition to both dietary and cosmetic products. Further research continues to explore its full potential and mechanisms of action.

sesame seed extract