Eucommia ulmoides Extract

Eucommia ulmoides Extract,Chlorogenic Acid

Eucommia ulmoides Extract is derived from the bark of the Eucommia ulmoides tree, which is native to China. This tree has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The extract is known for its various health benefits and potential therapeutic properties.

Eucommia ulmoides Extract

Latin Name : Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.

Plant part used: Leaf

Active Ingredient: Chlorogenic Acid

Specification: 5%-99% Chlorogenic Acid HPLC

Test Method: HPLC

Case No.: 327-97-9

Main Function: Antioxidant, Anti-diabetes, Anti-tumor, Weight Reduction

Eucommia ulmoides Extract Description: 

Eucommia is about a 15m tall tree native to China. It is nearly threatened in the wild but is widely cultivated in China for highly valued herbology such as Traditional Chinese medicine. Eucommia leaves are used to make tea in native Chinese tradition due to their smell and a high nutrition ingredient, chlorogenic acid.
Chlorogenic acid (CGA) also known as Caffetannic acid, is Shrinkage acid and is determined by caffeic acid and quinic acid. It belongs to phenylpropanoid compounds. CGA widely exists in the plant, in which Honeysuckle and Eucommia Bark contain more CGA. It has a broad anti-bacterial, heat detoxification, cool casual style heat, gallbladder, and bleeding, increased white blood cells anti-virus, and so on


  • Anti-virus, antibiosis, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying
  • Depressurization
  • Anti-tumor
  • Invigorating the kidney, improving immunity
  • Anti-oxidation,anti-aging,anti-resistant for muscle and bones

Eucommia ulmoides Extract Qherb Test machine

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