Gardenia Extract

Gardenia Extract

Gardenia Extract

Botanical Source: Gardenia jasminoides Ellis
Part used: Fruit

Active ingredients: Crocin, Geniposide, Genipin, Gardenia Yellow, Gardenia Blue, Gardenia Green


Geniposide 10%- 98% HPLC

Crocin 50%

Crocetin 70%


Fructus Gardenia, the dried ripe fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis (Rubiaceae), is widely used in traditional medicine for its cholagogue, sedative, diuretic, antiphlogistic, and antipyretic effects. Additionally, it is an externally used drug with a long heritage and tradition in the treatment of sprain. Many iridoid glycosides were isolated from Gardeniae Fructus in previous investigations, including Geniposide.

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