Garlic Extract


Garlic extract is derived from garlic (Allium sativum), a widely used culinary herb and medicinal plant. The extract is typically made by processing garlic cloves to concentrate its active compounds, such as allicin and other sulfur-containing compounds.

Latin Name: Allium sativum L.
Appearance: Light-yellow fine powder
Active Ingredients: Allicin
Specification: 1%, 2%, 3%, 5% Allicin
Test Method: HPLC
Part of Plant Used: Garlic Bullet


Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant with long, flat grasslike leaves and a papery hood around the flowers. The stalk rises directly from the flower bulb, which is the part of the plant used as food and medicine. The bulb comprises many smaller bulbs covered with a papery skin known as cloves. The most active components of fresh garlic are an amino acid called alliin and an enzyme called alliinase. When a clove of garlic is chewed, chopped, bruised, or cut, these compounds mix to form allicin, which is responsible for garlic’s pungent smell. Allicin, in turn, breaks down into other sulfur compounds within a few hours.

Garlic extract Function:

1. Help in the prevention of cancer.
2. Improve immune function.
3. Power and help keep blood sugar stable.
4. Helps prevent heart disease and strokes.
5. Relieves gas and other stomach complaints.
6. Preventive against diseases and infection.
7. It Helps increase the body’s ability to handle the digestion of meat and fats.
8. Helpful in getting rid of athlete’s foot.
9. Relieves gas and other stomach complaints.
10. Treat respiratory complaints such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.
11. Improving the quality of meat, milk, and eggs. Thus improving food’s flavor.
12. Detoxicating, keeping health, and removing blood stasis.
13. Used externally for cuts, wounds, and skin eruptions.

Garlic extract Application:

1. Applied in the pharmaceutical field, it is mainly used in treating bacterial infections, gastroenteritis, and cardiovascular diseases.
2. Applied in the feed additive field, it is mainly used in feed additives for protecting poultry, livestock, and fish against disease.
3. Applied in the health product field, it is often made into capsules to lower blood pressure and fat.
4. Applied in the food field, it is mainly a functional food additive used in cookies, bread, meat products, etc.

Halal Certificate Garlic Extract

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