Tag Archives: Chicoric acid

The herb Echinacea polyphone has long been used for its medicinal properties. The herb has many uses and has occasionally been used to treat a variety of illnesses. It is well known that herbs have a number of qualities that are typically used to cure a variety of illnesses. The Polyphenols of Echinacea As a […]

The Chicoric acid of chicory plant is known to provide numerous benefits that have been useful for centuries. While the leaves of the plant are used as a salad during the celebrations, the roots act as a liver and blood cleanser. In modern times, the ground roasted tap roots are still there and used as […]

Do you care for the appearance and texture of your skin? Are you looking for natural remedies, which will make your skin flawless? Do you want to possess thick and lustrous hair? Do you want to remain ever so beautiful and the epitome of youth in the eyes of your lover? If the answer to […]